Category: Gaming

My Netrunner Build

The sneaky glass cannon

I like my builds do a LOT of damage, be mobile, and be silent death.

The gaming industry and its mass layoffs

I saw this topic on Reddit, and realised I hadn’t written anything here in a long time. Well here goes:

IGN story  Reddit post

I actually read the article, and I think some things are missing.

The things that are missing it barely mentioned are AI and not listening to customers.

The Medium: Reviewish

If your idea of horror is cheap jump scares, gratuitous gore, and slimy monsters trying to eat you around every turn, then you will be disappointed in this game. I’m a horror junkie, and, personally, I don’t think that stuff is scary; I think that stuff is just cheap, tacky, lazy writing and boring, overused, tired nonsense.

The horror in this is a slow burn conceptual story element and it’s a fantastic piece of writing. I mean, yeah the monsters are scary-ish (I don’t scare easily) but the story is the true horror element. If there were ever a good game to turn into a limited run TV series, this would be it. The story is about a woman, who, after preparing her recently deceased adoptive father for his funeral, gets a phone call from some guy who tells her he knows what she is (a medium) and that he needs her to come meet him because the light is almost gone, which is just vague enough to be intriguing. That’s all the story I’m going to give you.

Planet Zoo: Reviewish

These are giraffes.

So, I’ve played this for four hours and I’m still in tutorial mode. It’s kind of a LOT of tutorial if you’ve played Planet Coaster, and I have, extensively.

It’s a cute game so far, but if you loved Planet Coaster because of absurdity and rides, this isnt that. There is a lot of information about the animals, a lot of specific decorating, and a lot of personnel management. And, in tutorial two, a whole lot of mandrills escaping. I’m not sure how though. I’ve built a 7 meter tall fence and moved every tree, building, rock or other climbable away from the wall and they just keep getting out. could you not, I’m trying to build a spot for my cute little tapirs!

Modder Spotlight: Niero

I’m going to start off by saying that Niero is, hands down, one of my favourite modders for Fallout 4. His mods are mostly clothing and weaponry, steeped in lore that somehow fit into the wasteland, and stand out at the same time. His work all looks like it was put together by a team of professionals, instead of one solitary person. The models are beautiful, the UV maps are flawless, and the clothing rigging looks natural. The pieces from each outfit mesh fabulously with pieces from other outfits, and I’m usually wearing parts from at least four of these mods, simultaneously. Also, almost all of these items come with unique mods and/or headlamps which cast shadows.

I think one of my favourite things about the Niero mods is that all of them come with a couple colours, but he provides, for free, 4K skin packs on his Gumroad page or his Patreon. Providing them on an external site speeds up your downloads too!

Niero mods never clash with any other mods I’m using, and they seem to be happy anywhere in my load order. I don’t even test new ones anymore, because I’m comfortable dumping a new Niero mod into an existing play through without worrying about breaking my save. I can’t not use Niero mods in my play throughs.

My one single only tiny iiitty bitty gripe is that Niero needs to use more purple. I’m very sad there is no purple of any sort in the Stridgudae gear. I need me some purple. But I kinda want everything everywhere to be purple all the time. Perhaps the lack of purple is good for me.

This is going to be long. Strap in.

Children of Ug-Qualtoth

Children of UG-Qualtoth

This mod…

I grew up on horror. I was reading Stephen King at 11. I can watch gore horror like SAW and Hostel without even being remotely phased. Pennywise is kinda cute. I have zombie “nightmares” where literally everyone else on the planet is dead, aside from myself and handful of people and I love them. I have fallen asleep during hour 3 of the 6 hour Shining miniseries, woken up when Jack is stalking the house, covered in blood and insane, trying to kill Danny, and fallen asleep again in the middle of it. Point is, I don’t scare easily. I have considered that there might be something pathologically wrong with me.

Photos from the Wasteland 2: Headshots

NPC, why are you still chattering?

Fallout, You Know Me So Well

Now, if you know me in person, you know that I have the cooking skills of a blind, deaf, child with no tongue. I neither read recipes nor listen to instructions from real people, so I can feed myself extremely basic things: spaghetti, jello, cheese on toast, cereal. I’m fine with this, because I don’t care how they taste. Cooking for other people? No. I don’t want to. That’s a lot of effort, and I would probably end up making someone sick.

I just got a rolling pin as a drop. A rolling pin. So I can beat people to death with a rolling pin? Seems unlikely that I’d kill anyone with a kitchen implement, but it’s in keeping with my own personal life lore, so I’ll bite.

Oh, It’s a legendary drop? That seems like a bit of a stupid waste of a legendary drop. Does it roll fancy patterns on their faces? Does it poison them, so I don’t have to wait for my cooking to do it? Does it set things on fire, like I’ve done to my kitchen before? Does it do double damage, like my cooking that’s boring AND might make you sick? Does it just sit in my cupboard and do nothing?

Wait, what? It actually poisons people? I was kidding. Oh, Bethesda, you troll, I love you. I will probably never use this thing, but I’m definitely going to put it on display. I actually laughed out loud when I saw this thing. Thanks, Bethesda <3

Photos From the Wasteland 1: Fallout 4 Reviewish Ongoing Series

So, as you know, I got a new laptop, and a rather nice boy I know got me a present before it even shipped. Fallout 4.

The fallout games have always been dear to me, because they combine elements of things I love, with things that I like but am terrible at, so they help me learn. I’m terrible at FPS. Truly terrible. When something jumps me, I freak out, flail, and die. It’s embarrassing. Fallout has an FPS element, but it’s not all shooting, and if there’s a foe I just cant deal with, there’s VATS to help out. I’ve become something of a skilled sharpshooter though, which is nice.



Oh m’ goodness. Google. Thank you. 3am cuteness to amuse this insomniac. Bunny cuteness

It’s not really a game, but an Object Oriented Programming tutorial disguised as a very cute, if somewhat off-seasonally-Easterish, bunny game. Basically it uses four extremely basic  commands – forward, left turn, right turn, simple/nested loops – in a visual block-placing format to steer a super cute boxy Bunny around a track to nom carrots. If you’re a programmer, it will take you all of five minutes to complete the whole thing, but but if you’re little, it could probably amuse you for a decent amount of time.

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