Category: Photos from the Wasteland

Photos from the Wasteland 2: Headshots

NPC, why are you still chattering?

Photos From the Wasteland 1: Fallout 4 Reviewish Ongoing Series

So, as you know, I got a new laptop, and a rather nice boy I know got me a present before it even shipped. Fallout 4.

The fallout games have always been dear to me, because they combine elements of things I love, with things that I like but am terrible at, so they help me learn. I’m terrible at FPS. Truly terrible. When something jumps me, I freak out, flail, and die. It’s embarrassing. Fallout has an FPS element, but it’s not all shooting, and if there’s a foe I just cant deal with, there’s VATS to help out. I’ve become something of a skilled sharpshooter though, which is nice.


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