Month: November 2016

The Witcher: Reviewish

I’ve started playing the enhanced edition of The Witcher.  Honestly, I’m not sure it’s going to be my thing.

There are WAY too many cut-scenes; the start of the game was like half an hour!  They are too frequent and too long.  If I want to watch a movie, I’d watch a movie.  I’m playing a game, because I want to actually play.

Take your stickers, and go away.

I know that, being a woman, people like to stick labels on me.

Lately, I’ve noticed a load media coverage of the whole trans/gender-identity community, the laws regarding them, and public opinions on the topic. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love that we’re finally pulling our heads out of our asses and allowing people to be who they want, and do what they want.

Emergent Damaging Derogatory Terminology

This is likely a little off topic for this blog, but I feel that I need to say something.
Recently, I’ve noticed a damaging trend of people saying things like, mansplain, whitesplain, and straightsplain being thrown around.

Being female, I understand the frustration of people that fall into the non-cis, non-male, or non-wasp group for one or more reasons. I have, in several occasions, had my dumb little female brain subjected to what would be classified as a mansplaination.

There are two reasons that I think ths sort of language is damaging. I’m just going to use mansplain as an example here, because I’m not going to repeatedly list all the different ‘splains.

Torchlight II: Reviewish

Torchlight Header

Torchlight II game is really REALLY fun. I initially thought that it was going to be like Diablo, which, though fun, was a little disappointing. I felt Diablo was short. And too easy. I was a noob, and I creamed it on the hardest setting.

I’ve been traipsing around Torchlight II for two weeks now, and I’m nowhere near finished, as far as I can tell. Also, I HAVE A BADGER FOR A PET. A BADGER. I, of course, have named it Honey.




So. Halloween happened this year! Unlike last year’s Halloween where I just dressed up as a lame cat, by wearing my Spirithood, because I was too busy packing to go on a stupid trip, this year I spent THREE AND A HALF HOURS putting makeup all over any visible skin that I could reach so that I could be a dead thing.

No, I was not a zombie – though you guys know I love me some zombies – and no, I was not a vampire. Just a dead, slightly victorian looking thing. If I wasnt at a 100+ person social event, I’d have just laid on the floor and pretended to be dead, but If I’d done that, I’d likely have been trampled by a hoard of people, and it’s kind of hard to drink the beers and eat the candies if you are just laying on the floor.

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