Month: September 2016

Python, Angular, and Foundation

It’s a lot of work. I’ve been bashing away at this stuff since approximately the last week of July, and it’s really hard. I’m not in this alone, but I’m trying not to rely too much on the person who is teaching me, because I’m trying to be independant.

Let’s go back. To learn these languages, I’m working on a library catalogue app for my mother. We have…. just a few books. Nearly four thousand actually. It started out to be an online listing of all the books my family owns, so we stop buying duplicates for each other. It’s evolved into a lot more, partly because I wanted it to, and partially because I overcomplicated it to teach myself more in-depth concepts.

It’s really hard. I’m struggling constantly. My teacher insists I’m doing well, but I don’t know that I believe that. I’m perpetually running into roadblocks and It’s really frustrating and depressing. I’m worried that I’ll fail at this and my poor teacher will have wasted lots of time, and that I’ll just be a disappointment :/

This War of Mine: Reviewish


I played This War of Mine for a while. It wasn’t too bad. I found good points and bad points. how events transpired.

Let’s start with the bad. I found it got a bit repetitive. Dig, gather, try to eat, try not to die. Repeat. Likely die anyway. I didn’t like that if you tried to be a decent person, you ended up starving or getting shot. I don’t want to kill people or steal from people. If I wanted to do stuff like that, I’d jump on the GTA5 train. No thanks.

error: Hello