Category: Nerd Stuff

For my turn, I feel sorry for Netflix.

Today on the chopping block we have Community, a wholesome, amazing, hilarious show about a community college full of misfits and mismatched characters from across the racial, age, and socioeconomic spectrums. God forbid a show like this exist.

There’s Jeff, the hot, white, douchey, not-a-lawyer; Annie, the meek, pale, secretly hot, jewish academic; Abed, the loveable, likely neuro-atypical, half Arabic, half Palestinian nerd; Troy, the dumb, black jock with a heart of gold; Shirley, the black, judgemental, well-meaning, extremely christian mommy; Pierce, the old-money, ancient, white asshole; Chang, the narcissistic chinese asshole who screws with the study group; Dean Pelton, the pasty, extremely flamboyant dean, who speaks 70% of his lines in sexual innuendo directed at Jeff, and Britta the defiant, idealistic, white bread, social justice warrior. Britta is the worst. Somehow these characters, though deeply flawed in their own ways, get along with each other.


Oh m’ goodness. Google. Thank you. 3am cuteness to amuse this insomniac. Bunny cuteness

It’s not really a game, but an Object Oriented Programming tutorial disguised as a very cute, if somewhat off-seasonally-Easterish, bunny game. Basically it uses four extremely basic  commands – forward, left turn, right turn, simple/nested loops – in a visual block-placing format to steer a super cute boxy Bunny around a track to nom carrots. If you’re a programmer, it will take you all of five minutes to complete the whole thing, but but if you’re little, it could probably amuse you for a decent amount of time.

Torchlight II: Reviewish

Torchlight Header

Torchlight II game is really REALLY fun. I initially thought that it was going to be like Diablo, which, though fun, was a little disappointing. I felt Diablo was short. And too easy. I was a noob, and I creamed it on the hardest setting.

I’ve been traipsing around Torchlight II for two weeks now, and I’m nowhere near finished, as far as I can tell. Also, I HAVE A BADGER FOR A PET. A BADGER. I, of course, have named it Honey.




So. Halloween happened this year! Unlike last year’s Halloween where I just dressed up as a lame cat, by wearing my Spirithood, because I was too busy packing to go on a stupid trip, this year I spent THREE AND A HALF HOURS putting makeup all over any visible skin that I could reach so that I could be a dead thing.

No, I was not a zombie – though you guys know I love me some zombies – and no, I was not a vampire. Just a dead, slightly victorian looking thing. If I wasnt at a 100+ person social event, I’d have just laid on the floor and pretended to be dead, but If I’d done that, I’d likely have been trampled by a hoard of people, and it’s kind of hard to drink the beers and eat the candies if you are just laying on the floor.

Bastion: Reviewish

Bastion Game Art

My goodness! It’s a really cute little game! I like how the narrator speaks, depending on what you do, or at least it seems that way. Maybe the speech could just be map position triggered? Either way, its a nice touch. The artwork is lovely, and has the charm of old spritey-ness, without the tedious 4-different-views only of old sprites.

It’s a really cute little game, on the surface it is at least. Its hard! I died so many times in the first hour while trying to figure out controls, and figure out exactly wtf was going on. the little blue-black, inverted water droplets are adorable! I didn’t realise immediately that they were baddies. Nor did I realise that the shard things were good for you. Still not 100% sure what they ultimately do. The “Kid falls to his death…just kidding” stuff is made of lolz.

This War of Mine: Reviewish


I played This War of Mine for a while. It wasn’t too bad. I found good points and bad points. how events transpired.

Let’s start with the bad. I found it got a bit repetitive. Dig, gather, try to eat, try not to die. Repeat. Likely die anyway. I didn’t like that if you tried to be a decent person, you ended up starving or getting shot. I don’t want to kill people or steal from people. If I wanted to do stuff like that, I’d jump on the GTA5 train. No thanks.

Diablo III: Reviewish

So, I think we can all agree that I’m no pro at the Vidja Games.

I just finished Diablo III for the first time. EASY. Holy easy. The hardest part was when I stopped playing for two months, only to come back and have no idea what was going on, so I ran around a desert forest for 6 hours because I didn’t know where I was supposed to be.


So, I’m watching ESL One NYC. Do I understand anything? nope. I’m trying, but I just don’t. I feel so so stupid.

Hi, or something

So, apparently, to be successful as a streamer, I need to have a website. Writing the first post in a blog is always awkward. Especially when I don’t have anything particularly interesting to say.

I’m less than a month into streaming, so, aside from meeting some pretty cool people, and a few oddballs who want to see me touch my shoulders, not much has really happened. I have discovered that I’m not just bad at Dota, I’m a noob the size of the sun. I learned how to play DotA totally incorrectly. I can’t last hit. I auto attack. I flail if anyone comes near me. My battle cry is “RUN AWAYYYYY!” I have so much to learn. I mean. I R DotA PRO! WATCH ME PLS!

I believe that this was sufficiently awkward, no?

error: Hello