Category: Rant

The gaming industry and its mass layoffs

I saw this topic on Reddit, and realised I hadn’t written anything here in a long time. Well here goes:

IGN story  Reddit post

I actually read the article, and I think some things are missing.

The things that are missing it barely mentioned are AI and not listening to customers.

For my turn, I feel sorry for Netflix.

Today on the chopping block we have Community, a wholesome, amazing, hilarious show about a community college full of misfits and mismatched characters from across the racial, age, and socioeconomic spectrums. God forbid a show like this exist.

There’s Jeff, the hot, white, douchey, not-a-lawyer; Annie, the meek, pale, secretly hot, jewish academic; Abed, the loveable, likely neuro-atypical, half Arabic, half Palestinian nerd; Troy, the dumb, black jock with a heart of gold; Shirley, the black, judgemental, well-meaning, extremely christian mommy; Pierce, the old-money, ancient, white asshole; Chang, the narcissistic chinese asshole who screws with the study group; Dean Pelton, the pasty, extremely flamboyant dean, who speaks 70% of his lines in sexual innuendo directed at Jeff, and Britta the defiant, idealistic, white bread, social justice warrior. Britta is the worst. Somehow these characters, though deeply flawed in their own ways, get along with each other.

Jenna Marbles

Great. So the social justice warriors have necro’d a bunch of 8-10 year old videos and cancelled Jenna fucking Marbles. The only good OG comedy creator on the entirety of YouTube.

Not how I want to remember her

Sure she did a bunch of stupid shit when she was young and trying to be edgy for views, just like all of the other creators of the time doing stupid edgy noob shit. Instead of starting 97 squeaky clean new channels to bury her past or just giving up entirely, like many of her contemporaries, she stuck with it, grew up, and showed us that it is possible to be an angry, sarcastic, confused, young 20 something and grow up into a really decent person who makes soap hands, throws dog weddings, fails miserably at making corn-on-the-cob-except-the-corn-bone-is-a-hotdog, and water marbles her CROCKS.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Calm Down, FFS!


‘The Walking Dead’ is under fire for whitewashing iconic ‘Moonlight’ poster

This baffles me.

The only thing I’ll say about Trump

I wish I could stop hearing about him. I’m not American; I’m Canadian. He literally isn’t my President. That being said, I’m equally glad Hillary isn’t either. Were I American, I’d have voted for anyone but either of them.

Take your stickers, and go away.

I know that, being a woman, people like to stick labels on me.

Lately, I’ve noticed a load media coverage of the whole trans/gender-identity community, the laws regarding them, and public opinions on the topic. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love that we’re finally pulling our heads out of our asses and allowing people to be who they want, and do what they want.

Emergent Damaging Derogatory Terminology

This is likely a little off topic for this blog, but I feel that I need to say something.
Recently, I’ve noticed a damaging trend of people saying things like, mansplain, whitesplain, and straightsplain being thrown around.

Being female, I understand the frustration of people that fall into the non-cis, non-male, or non-wasp group for one or more reasons. I have, in several occasions, had my dumb little female brain subjected to what would be classified as a mansplaination.

There are two reasons that I think ths sort of language is damaging. I’m just going to use mansplain as an example here, because I’m not going to repeatedly list all the different ‘splains.

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