The sneaky glass cannon
I like my builds do a LOT of damage, be mobile, and be silent death.
Frontal Cortex
- Ex-Disk
- Ram Reallocator
- Self-Ice
- Universal Booster
- Feen-X
- Ram Recoup
- Blood Pump
- Heal-On-Kill
- Threatevac
- Smart Link
- Immovable Force
- Kiroshi Sentry
- Behavioral Imprint-Synched Faceplate
- Optical Camo
- Chitin
- Cogito Lattice
OS, Arms, Legs
- Arasaka Mk.5
- Monowire (Int Attuned) slotted with cyberwear malfunction
- Fortified Ankles (I need my jumps)
- Revulsor
- Atomic Sensors
- Deep Field Visual Interface
Please note: I don’t actually care about the Nervous System category. I just slotted whatever I got for free so I could have buffs. None of them really benefit my playstyle very much.
Attributes and Perks
Click to make things bigger
Damage Dealing
Yes, I realise both my primary and secondary are pistols. I mostly use quickhacks and just happen to like both of these for when shit gets messy, or I feel like doing something different
- Sonic Shock
- Overheat
- Short Circuit
- Cyberwear Malfunction
- Contagion
- Synapse Burnout
- Ping
- Reboot Optics