Category: Gaming

Bastion: Reviewish

Bastion Game Art

My goodness! It’s a really cute little game! I like how the narrator speaks, depending on what you do, or at least it seems that way. Maybe the speech could just be map position triggered? Either way, its a nice touch. The artwork is lovely, and has the charm of old spritey-ness, without the tedious 4-different-views only of old sprites.

It’s a really cute little game, on the surface it is at least. Its hard! I died so many times in the first hour while trying to figure out controls, and figure out exactly wtf was going on. the little blue-black, inverted water droplets are adorable! I didn’t realise immediately that they were baddies. Nor did I realise that the shard things were good for you. Still not 100% sure what they ultimately do. The “Kid falls to his death…just kidding” stuff is made of lolz.

This War of Mine: Reviewish


I played This War of Mine for a while. It wasn’t too bad. I found good points and bad points. how events transpired.

Let’s start with the bad. I found it got a bit repetitive. Dig, gather, try to eat, try not to die. Repeat. Likely die anyway. I didn’t like that if you tried to be a decent person, you ended up starving or getting shot. I don’t want to kill people or steal from people. If I wanted to do stuff like that, I’d jump on the GTA5 train. No thanks.

oooohhhh hello!

Hey lovelies!

So my downtime was a bit longer than I said it would be.

Honestly, I stopped streaming because I started dating a viewer in mid-October. This will not ever happen again, as it was one of the dumbest decisions I’ve ever made; I’ve made worse decisions, but it was definitely in the top 5.

Diablo III: Reviewish

So, I think we can all agree that I’m no pro at the Vidja Games.

I just finished Diablo III for the first time. EASY. Holy easy. The hardest part was when I stopped playing for two months, only to come back and have no idea what was going on, so I ran around a desert forest for 6 hours because I didn’t know where I was supposed to be.


So, I’m watching ESL One NYC. Do I understand anything? nope. I’m trying, but I just don’t. I feel so so stupid.

error: Hello